–Dickson Despommier, Professor Emeritus of Microbiology and Public Health at Columbia University who has been working on vertical farming after conceiving the “urban farm skyscraper,” joins David to discuss the pros and possible cons of vertical farming

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Broadcast on April 28, 2016

Father of Vertical Farming Answers: Can This Really Work?

About The Author


  • djancak

    fuck farming we should be synthesizing all our nutrients in laboratories why waste so much energy taking care of a damn plant and especially animals

  • Wilder

    Here's a crazy idea: citywide rooftop greenhouses growing trees with a high oxygen yield. With air conditioning around the walls letting outside air in for the trees to consume and turn into oxygen, and a mechanism for letting the new air back out. I assume in the roof of the greenhouse, but that's up to the flora biologists and engineers to work out.
    If done on a city wide scale, this should at least dampen the emission of CO2, am i right?

  • MrPayneful

    was with him until he went pro monsanto. what good is renewable energy in agriculture when the agriculture is GMO? you can organic verticle farm, yaknow.

  • leerman22

    If you make your vertical farms so dense that they block out the sun, then LED's can be used, powered by thorium or DFR molten salt reactors.

  • americanslime

    Vertical urban farms are cool, but I'm not sure I like the criticism of growing food outdoors. Biointensive micro farmers working outdoors or in plastic hoop houses in urban areas have been very successful. It bothers me how the mainstream environmentalists have ignored permaculture farming techniques which have proven highly effective. Sometimes it seems we don't want simple solutions.

    Also, I don't see why we have to grow ALL our food within city limits (let alone whether or not that's actually possible). The truth is we probably can't grow all our calories on urban farms, and that's fine. They're still a really amazing technology.

  • Mona George

    Wow David, this is a fantastic topic. I have been reading up on it for some time now and am convinced it is the way of the future. Think of the space it saves. Manageability. The pest control advantages. The input control. Leaving rural space to more humane livestock farming etc etc.

  • Atheistbatman

    I'm a horticulturist and why would I want to help idiots grow anything when we get paid pennies and get our jobs replaced by little old lady Master Bater Gardeners. Most descent knowledgeable passionate Horticulturists could save the world by with what we know and make it beutiful doing it…and no one is going to listen…so fuck ya'll and starve

  • Lutra Nereis

    As a pescatarian, the implementation of aquaculture in the urban setting is particularly of interest to me. Not only would I benefit from more nutrient-rich, locally grown vegetables but I'd have access to fish that lack the mercury contamination and the massive amounts of antibiotics and steroids that foreign sources typically pump into fish to ship them.

  • We NeedChangeNOW TVP-TZM

    you use 80% less water,full atomation and customization,No Monsanto Spraying,full organic,cuts addmissions,localized not globalized, Its not dependant on weather,It takes up less Land while producing more efficient. you can add fish farms to it and produce anti fuk-u-shima fish.