Celebrate Easter at Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVIllage
Full Time RV Living / RV Travel Videos/RVerTV Drove around Quartzsite today… A few vendors are starting to set up for business….Severe high winds across the desert today..gust up to 55 mph …Quartzsite streets are getting busier..
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RVerTV Cameras Used in This Video:
Sony a6000 http://amzn.to/1VLz1U3
Nikon 3300 http://amzn.to/1XSX0Cj
Canon XA20 http://amzn.to/1VLBbDc
GoPro4 Black http://amzn.to/1VLz3eO
Brinno Timelapse http://amzn.to/1VLAbPx
Quadcopter Drone I Used In This Video:
Yuneec Q500 4K http://amzn.to/1Qn5psF
Video Accessories I Used In This Video:
Flo-mow Timelapse http://amzn.to/1Qd5NMy
Microphone http://amzn.to/21syNIs
Tripods http://amzn.to/1Qn5tbK
Feiyu Gimbal http://amzn.to/1XSX2dr
Editing Computers I Used In This Video:
Mac Pro http://amzn.to/1XSYnAW
Laptop http://amzn.to/1XSYtIT
Ipad http://amzn.to/1VLAYjv
RV Products I UseIn This Video:
Solar : http://amzn.to/1VLMf39
TV 12 Volt: http://amzn.to/1n8nDpg
Camco : http://amzn.to/1TIgIzY
Music By:
Forever Believe by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Feel Good 2 B by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Maps Provided by Google
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This is like watching a town grow up out of the soil! Looking forward to it all coming to life!!!
thank you sir
That 65 degrees sounds great, it's -6 degrees where I am. That wind does look miserable but I would take that over the snow. Thanks for sharing!
Hope Scooby is doing ok. Miss seeing him.
22 degrees here Russ on Dec 17th and supposed to be -14 tomorrow BBRRRRR!!! But I'll survive….TruckcamperJim in Indiana
I think I would trade the wind there in Quartzsite compared to the rain here at my house in Cameron Park CA. Since it started raining in early October I have gotten 23 1/2 inches of rain here at my house, quite a bit cooler here than where you are too. I am still hoping to get down to Quartzsite in early January.
its cool when the old bus club shows up, some nice units
Hey Russ this video made the front page of my Google app for the search term "Quartzite". Pretty cool!
Can't wait, next year at this time we'll be there full timing, 22 degrees here this morning in NW Washington State!
"they make a great presents too". If I gave Mrs Luther a rock from Quartzsite for xmas, I'll be rv'ing FULLTIME.
Russ, I just read the other day that during the dust bowl winds back in the 1930s, that some people got 'dust pneumonia' from breathing in the very fine sand. It killed hundreds of people, and was really bad for children and the elderly.
Russ, is there anything that should or could be done to protect the engine from the powdered sand that folks will do? I will more than likely be out on BLM land in my minivan. Thanks for all your videos and your time. One more question…where do most of the RV'er go after Quartzsite? (in general)
was there a couple years ago wind blew for a week HARD !!, ha
Hey Russ……. Come on up this way. We are going to get hit with 10 inches of snow with a high of five degrees on Sunday! Great update to get my mind off our weather. Be Well and Safe Russ!
It IS mighty windy in Quartzsite today!!!! But, I will put up with the wind more than snow and cold. It will be interesting to see what Quartzsite will look like after Christmas, after all the vendors get here.