John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ goes on a field trip to visit his friends, Drs. Rick and Karin Dina, D.C. home, who he helped them build and start to grow their vegetable garden in 2010. In this episode, you will get the 6 year update on how their garden is growing, and what they are still growing this time of year.
You will discover the Dina’s favorite vegetable they grow that provides them year-round nutrient-dense food to eat year round that has been growing for 6 years.. You will discover how easy it is to propogate purple perennial tree collards by taking tip cuttings, and putting them in water until they root and then transplanting them into 4″ pots. You will also discover why they started this year making their compost and how they can ensure it is ready sooner rather than later.
Finally, John will interview Dr. Rick Dina, D.c. and ask him the following questions:
16:10 Why did you decide to start gardening and grow your own food?
17:40 Why are Tree Collards Greens so important?
19:14 Why should people grow and eat leafy greens?
23:10 Can you get enough protein from greens and other foods from your garden?
24:25 How can someone eat more greens in their diet?
28:25 Why is eating more plants important?
31:41 What dietary lifestyle do you recommend to people?
36:53 Tell me more about the upcoming free health summit you and your wife are having?
39:36 Any final tips for my viewers?
41:08 How can people get ahold of you for nutritional consulting?
Previous Episodes Filmed at the Home of Doctors Rick and Karin Dina, D.C.:
Part 1 of 7 How to Build a Raised Bed Garden: Planning, Site Selection, Layout, Placement (from 2010)
Part 2 of 7 How to Build a Raised Bed Garden: Shopping, Preparation, Supplies and Irrigation
Part 3 of 7 How to Build a Raised Bed Garden: Irrigation from Sprinklers to Drip System
Part 4 of 7 How to Build a Raised Bed Garden: Pressure Test, Post Holes and Concrete
Part 5 of 7 How to Build a Raised Bed Garden: Sides, Gophers Protection, Sheet Mulch and Filling
Part 6 of 7 How to Build a Raised Bed Garden: Drip Irrigation Install 1/2″ PVC to Drip Tube
Part 7 of 7 How to Build a Raised Bed Garden: Drip Emitter Install and Final Testing!
Update from Dr. Rick and Dr Karin’s Garden in late 2010
Update from Dr. Rick and Dr. Karins Garden in Earyl 2011: Aphids
Update after 1 year in their Garden May 2011
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We teach an educated, intelligent, and rational approach to raw food nutrition
Hi John, Thanks for all your videos. Also thanks for being a teacher of knowledge and sharing so many important facts to help us all out. You make it easy to learn new things which don't get taught to us in society. Everything is a secret and hidden to keep us in the dark. I've in recent years had to teach myself a lot of new things to learn the truths about the world we're living in. A work mate taught be about Berkey Water Filter Systems which purifies your drinking water. Gravity filter no electricity needed. The water taste and smells a lot better and the filters last a very long time. A lot cheaper than bottle water and a lot better water quality. It was the start to living a more healthier lifestyle for me. I'm not completely there yet. But I have started growing my own vegetables and I can taste a massive difference in the food I eat. Also I feel a lot better health wise. Food & Water are must haves if you want to live a good healthy life. But most of the foods you buy aren't good. And bottle water isn't very good either. I've learn't a lot from your video's and wanted to say thank you. The fact is in the shops you don't have a great variety of fruits & veggies to pick from. You learn by researching that's there many varieties of potatoes of tomatoes or chillies to give for example. That you can't buy in the shop. All are different in taste and have different vitamins and minerals. I grew pumpkins for fun recently I got great results. Golden Nugget which tasted amazing in a soup. The flavour was so good compared to the shop bought pumpkins we buy. Okay different type of pumpkin variety. But this year I going try a plant many different types. Because they all will taste different and I love pumpkin soup. Sorry for the long comment I know your very busy person. Thanks once again John for all your knowledge and keep on growing bye…
People should really look into the legitimacy, or lack of in chiropractic "medicine".
Always good to see Dr. Rick and all the great information he and Dr. Karin have to offer, definitely keep this a regular thing!
more please!!!
what is the best time to plant just anything in general?
Hey! Beer is quality food. Do you guys buy shirts at the same store? lol!!!
Hi john I love your videos. I have a problem and would love if you could help me. I'm 16 and I'm a recovering cancer patient so I'm trying to grow organic. I live in Texas and I recently bought some strawberry plants at Home Depot but they have a little bit of fuzzy white stuff on the leaves. I believe it's mildew. The container they are growing is has proper draining though and I water them only in the ,owning and when they soil is no longer damp. The berries that are growing are slightly fuzzy and they stay at around an inch in length. I really need your help because my parents don't support me growing my own produce in the first place and now I'm not even getting fruit. As for the size I'm not sure what type of strawberry it is because it didn't come with a tag but I know it is not an ever earring variety because when I bought it it had a few large berries. I read that you could spray them so baking soda? Please help thank you
Good News! "There is going to be a resurrection…" http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2005322?q=there+is+going+to+be+a+resurrection&p=par
i love you both for this priceless info towards great health. much love and god,s peace to you both.
Einstein, Da Vinci, Tesla, Thomas Edison, Pythagoras… were all vegetarian.
I am not vegetarian myself but it makes me wonder why these genius' were.
Were they closer to the truth than we've been led to believe?
every food and or drink has a lethal dose. need to eat different foods.
you need to do a thermophilic compost for the real benefits of compost.
Test your garden soil b12 levels and make a vid about it, preferably around a time when it shuld b highest, maybe around 90degrees and humid. Id luv to kno soon. 😀 thx
AWESOME Upload John, thumbs up, thanks for sharin' this COOL interview at Dr. Rick's home and for providing his link for medical consultation with him, its always great to count on folks like him and you of course. :)
imagin if in cities n towns above a certain population they made it illegal to grown anything not edible would be so tasty. :)
Maybe start a nutrition series where each episode is dedicated to vitamin or mineral.
Are you going to do a post about Sonoma compost being shut down? What will you fill you beds with now??