Make your own vertical “living” wall with faux succulents and air plants to create cool room decor without any upkeep. I.E. you can’t kill this!
Biodegradable Floral Foam:
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did anyone else cringe when she called lichen moss???
loved it
This is really defeating the purpose of a green living wall. I'd rather have nothing on my wall than this plastic waste. Way to kill the environment.
I love this
but so much unnecessary lastic waste :(
Can you do a video on how to do this with real plants?
This is so cute! My cats like to chew on the spider plants that I keep in my room :/ no idea why lol, so I'd love to try this out!
this is really cool
Awesome update thank you for sharing have a blessed day
all those fake plants must add up!
Well said Gracie!
I really love this idea!
Meg, I used to watch you on Threadbanger years and years ago, and I am so happy to see find you again! How freakin neat that you are on HGTV Handmade! Already incorporating your new DIY ideas into my new office space.
What a great idea for the office!
That little jar you had the moss in.. ;)