This DEER sure likes BEETS! Attack of the deer eating the vegetable garden and organic soup recipe grow container gardening beet salad grape tomato roma
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This DEER sure likes BEETS! Attack of the deer eating the vegetable garden and organic soup recipe grow container gardening beet salad grape tomato roma
royalty free music from bensound
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Deer are gorgeous animals, I hope you can find a way to stop them from coming in to the garden with out hurting them. Your soup looked delicious!
I live in Asheboro. I can help you. I hear the planes. Urban archery.
How did you get the night video? Trail cam? Thanks. Best wishes Bob.
the deer at the end was like "hey, where'd the beets go?" hehe
I appreciate that you don't immediately defer to fatal remedies to curb these natural garden pests. Deer can be extremely destructive, yet they are simply seeking easy sources of nourishment , and we humans with our gorgeous gardens provide them with just that…..Hopefully you can either build a taller fence or find another deer-deterrent to keep them away from your fabulous plants! Thank you for sharing!
The soup looked great, beet tops are good but I would be happy that at least the deer left me the roots.
Add wood sticks to the tops of your fence and run wire around the top of it. Then hang cans for wind noise also grab pinwheels and stick them everywhere in the ground. The random noise makes them worried people are near.
Not sure if it will work but what about using slivers of Irish Spring around the beds or even hanging on the outside of the fencing? From gardening sites, I have read that many ppl say it works.
Those deer know where to go now! A pleasure.
The deer eats the beets the human eats the deer, simple!
We have deer here in Colorado. I don't have problems with them. My problem is the rabbits and moles. I do what I can to prevent them from eating my garden plants. I sure don't have a set up like you have, but I do what I can. Love your videos.
nice recipe! I'll try it for sure. Thank you! Sorry about the deer. Squirrels are our problem here. One of them ate the last remaining sunflower head today. It wasn't even developed yet 🙁 We can't have any tomatoes or sunflowers unless we do something about the squirrels.
man, I thought I was having a tough year. Some critter had been eating my beet tops too, but not as bad as yours. Time for some venison!
That deer saw you and was like "ah shit he busted us" and started yelling to his friends while running "run he spotted us." Man that deer have some hops he cleared that fence like it was 4 feet tall now how do you fix that? Good luck on your solution. Tell Sqeek stop sleeping on the job. LOL
can you get your hunting gun deer meat!
Don't you just love when you think you have deterrents but it is not enough. Your deer act just like my rabbit. They look at you like "what are you doing out here." Maybe pie pans will get there attention or Deer and Rabbit Repellent. At least she left you the beet root although that night it looked like she was looking for them to top off the collards.
You need a taller fence. Bad news is I've watched some deer bound over 10 or 12 foot fences surrounding a military base so yah bad news. I'd go with an arrangement of shorter plants together with chicken wire and row covers over them. Then taller plants with vertical up close chicken wire.
Oh no!!! What are you going to do? I can tell you from experience the deer will continue to come to your garden buffet if you don't find a way to stop them.
Squeak needs a pay reduction….now what?
awesome thanks plant bro!!