Gardening in the UK. Spring UK gardening. Spring gardening in England. UK home gardening. How to grow your own food. How to grow your own vegetables. How to grow your own fruit. How to garden at home. UK gardening in Spring. How to grow your own food in a small space. Gardening in a small space. Raised bed gardening at home. How to grow food in raised beds. Growing food in a small space. How to garden in a small space. How to grow your own food in a small garden. Gardening in a small to medium size garden. Gardening education. Learn how to grow your own food. Gardening at home. Gardening in a small garden. Pears, Potatoes, Komatsuna, Broad Beans, Kale, Chard, Spinach, Garlic, Carrots, Beetroot, Gooseberries, Strawberries, Potatoes. Urban gardening. How to grow fruit and vegetables at home in a small to medium sized garden How to grow vegetables in containers. How to grow vegetables in pots. Kitchen garden. Self sufficient. Container gardening. How to grow food in containers. Gardening in a residential area. I hope people enjoy the video.
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Building your own permaculture, backyard orchard at home. How to start and build a permaculture project. Starting your own food forest. Gardening at home. Home gardening. Gardening in the UK. How to start a backyard orchard. Home food growing. Growing fruit trees at home. How to grow fruit trees. How to grow your own food. How to grow fruit trees. Gardening education. Growing fruits in a temperate climate. Cold climate gardening. Gardening in the backyard.Home gardening. Growing a garden at home. Domestic gardening. Growing fruit trees if you rent your property. Home growing projects. Partial self sufficiency. Food growing in a small space. How to grow food in a small space. Small space gardening. How to grow fruit trees in a small garden. Growing food in your garden. I hope people enjoy the video.
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Creating a self sufficient small garden….very important.

About The Author


  • Dave Mitchell

    nice one Dan. been planting all week and realised I was missing some seeds (Cucumber, parsley and spring onions) went on line to my fav seed supplier (as recommeded by you) and arrgh they are not taking orders .

  • Blue Garden Cottage

    I can see you love plants!:D and I sam not the only one with potted plants everywhere even in a garden. My own garden is also crammed full and we have even got some veritcal spaces filled, but there are still a few of those spaces I can see open. I don't think any garden, however big, would ever be big enough for gardeners like us. My poor hubby lamnts that we have not a blade of grass left…he loves mowing. But he is always grateful for food from our own garden. Especially now.

  • G. Dave3

    Liked your new style of vid, hearing you list off all the veg growing in the raised bed made me want to go out and buy more seeds, but I think I’ve already sowed more plants than I can fit into the area I have. Which is another reason why I’m growing more virtical growing veg like beans.

  • Vox in Tenebris

    That editing was wicked, Dan! When you do a swift look around the garden at what you have done so far, it is quite astounding. I have watched most of the videos, but seeing it all together like that makes you realise what can be achieved in the space of a regular garden. It is still quite early, but you are well ahead! Ah, that Dixie Peach, covered in blossom – Wow!

  • Petals on the Paving Slabs

    You said gooseberries with such conviction, I actually got a lump in my throat. Passion Dan, you have it and its magnetic. Keep at it and stay safe, and thank you.

  • Vox in Tenebris

    Great to see how it is all building and coming together there for you, Dan. I only found the channel at the end of this past season, it will be interesting to follow the projects through this year. I think a lot of us are in the same position with regard to space, even if some – like me – are in denial and think they have the room and climate for everything! Thanks Dan, take care.