The Craftsman Experience welcomes back Mark Wille, expert builder from Wille Wood Work to show everyone how to build a vertical garden. This vertical garden model will save time and space by allowing for planting in a very small area.
For plans to this project, visit
Vertical garden in bottles Plastic, stacked, see all the details to make a beautiful garden for vegetables and herbs, is simple and You’ll like!
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spent all that time and effort… should have been a five minute video.
Sad. Really, Really, SAD.
wow i could of made 2 in this time .
To slow….I couldn't stand it any longer. I stopped the video after 8 minutes. Also you stressed ear plugs and safety glasses…good. But no respirator…..I saw a lot of white dust.
Horrible video and very simple plan—Could have just showed a picture and skipped the rest
this is an education show and this guys is doing fine…thanks for the video
This is so terrible its funny.
Needlessly long video. Host is narcissistic, nor is he very good at his job. The handyman seems knowledgeable but has the personality of a plank of wood with his monotone, southern drawl. The result was an unnecessarily complicated vertical garden. Bad video.
How irritating.
I stopped buying Craftsman tools because they are made in China. Now I buy much cheaper Chinese tools that are craftsman style. They all say Taiwan stamped on them and they are less than a tenth of the price of Chinese made Craftsman.
this is not a vertical garden…. it is an flop rack for keeping plants
nice sweater jackass
"Film, is life, with the dull parts, cut out!" – Alfred Hitchcock
Get out! ———->
This Alex guy is painful to watch and listen to. I guess he thinks he is doing some sort of stand up routine while stumbling around power tools. Someone should cut up some wood blocks, sit him in a corner and let him play with them off camera. Complete waste of time. Craftsman should rethink posting such tripe because the video is such a bad reflection of the brand.
How boring can you get?
Wtf was this? Did the Shamwow guy,have a kid?
I would recommend skipping the first 23 minutes.
Yeah I went to the link as they said for the plans for the project but the Vertical Garden is not there. What is up with that??????
what a horse shit dude….
do you all know i need help with my son corey puting gas in my truck,
This really nice
I used your way to build my garden bottle because you did it really weel! But you didn't explained how you stuck the last bottle, to collect water?????
i had started window farming …if some one has some useful ressources such as web site or channel plz contact me
Simply Amazing!
Ideia maravilhosa! Obrigada por compartilhar!
Parabéns pelo projeto esta bem legal
Here's a way to make a green wall garden using PET bottles, as a community project! Amazing 🙂
Here's a way to make a green wall garden using PET bottles, as a community project! Amazing 🙂
meu amigo, fantastica a ideia e estou fazendo aqui tbm, mas me tira uma duvida: vc colocou a terra direto na garrafa ou colocou pedras ou areia ou alguma coisa no fundo proximo a tampa ??? como vc fez ??? um abraço
que delicia de video mais um like merecido para voce