DIY tips for common rafter installation. Perfect for Sheds, Garage, Patio Covers…..
Speed Square made simple
Speed Square made simple TWO Swanson Speed Square and tape measure
Sawhorse table
I love watching your videos, very informative tutorials. Thank you and keep the videos coming.
Thank you for the information. Very informative.
very good instruction. I have already learned so much. thank you!
Thank you for explaining this! I'm headed over now to view the video on using a speed square. I need all the help I can get 🙂
Thanks again for all these videos. I am learning quite a bit. I have a couple years to learn some more tricks before trying to add onto my house. Keep it up Paul!
thanks for all the info, ive been watching your videos to lean bits and pieces. my first project is building my daughter a little play house out of wood and ill be using your videos as a guide to do just that. thanks again
Very nice info Paul! I've learned furniture furniture making over time but I've never really learned true construction! Thanks for the info!!
Picked up a couple of mice tips from this. As always, Paul can explain things and make understanding them in a very easy way.
Thanks for all the time you put in to your videos — they really help me out — VERY GOOD INFO!
Great video! Simple, precise and to the point. You are helping me a lot.
Really good video, thanks for the tips.
Very informative thanks John
thanks for the info. worked great on putting a small roof on my chicken houses. thanks again, now aim going to try this on my larger chicken house.
Paul I really appreciate your knowledge you share. Great Job!
This guy is really, really good. Really valuable lessons here!
Nice video thanks
I can use this info on an up coming project.Thanks
I recently stumbled upon your channel, and am now addicted haha. So much awesome information I had no idea about before. I hope you are able to keep the videos coming for years to come! Thank You Paul!
IMPORTANT ….on 618 to 728 I made a mistake on laying out my ridge board , I was pressed for time and a missed a step. My memory must be going south.  I will be removing this video and revising it. I hold a 3/4" block against the ridge board or hold the tape 3/4" out. This will give you 15 1/4" for your first rafter spacing and 16" for all of the other ones.
Thanks and very sorry for the inconvenience!
Thanks for sharing those tricks. You did an amazing job to make it easier to understand.
Apne bahut complicated kr diya aap direct 0.035 m3 se divide ker dete to no of bags me aajata
Could i get this video in malayalam?
Mind ???
mix dijaina video sand kariya na sir…
Thanku Sir
sir plz reply dena
sir ap jo c.ft nikale -no of bags× 1.226= 6.33×1.226 ka ans aa raha 7.76058 c.ft lekin ap ka 7.77 aa raha
Plaster ki quantities bi batao sir or ek diwar mai kitne blocks lagte hai
Thnx bro..
Pwd liye vedio banao
Great, thank you sir
1m to sabi lete he koi alag choose kro
toatal 0.11 cu.m he to kitna aayega cement sand aggregate grade k hisab se
Just multiply the volume in cubic meter by cube of 3.281 to get the volume in CFT, because 1 meter equals 3.281 feet.
once more
Mass/density = volume
=.0347 cubm
Convert to feet
1m3 = 35.314
= 1.226 cbft.
Proof that dry volume is 54% more of the wet volume.
How much cement bag,sand ,stone required for 1000sq.feet house
For detailed calculations and more info check
14.904 cu.m i need a quantity for all cement ,sand ,aggregate
sand in cuf ina tractor trolley i need trolley sizes
aggregate in cuf in a tripper trolley i need trolley size