This is my first video of my dutch bucket hydroponic system. Hope you guys like it please feel free to comment and provide and ideas on how to make this syst…
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Cara menanam secara Hydropoinik/hidroponik, tanpa menggunakan tanah.
I’m in Bangkok, Thailand (Real heat here everyday all year long).
To reduce temperature during the hot day, you may bury your water tanking
underground or increase size of your water tank. Another way to reduce
heat is to increase water draining and circulate speed.?
Nice work! A possible work around for your over powered pump: use the pump
to fill an elevated bucket/reservoir and let gravity feed the drip lines
from the elevated bucket. It’d be like your own personal water tower.?
Very nice, What is the frequency of watering, is there any sprinkler nozzle
inside the bucket, after how much time pump will start up to how much
Have you installed a timer for pump?
Inam very newer , just started, I think ,You should cover your reservoir
and you can insulate your tank with thermocol/sponge from sides and bottom,
also need to cover plants with polythene and green cloth ?
thanks for the video… do you put any chemical to the water for growing
tree ? thanks?
I believe that the situation of your project is increasing your temperature
Your wall stores heat from the sun and transfers it back to the plant and
you have the same problem with your concrete ground heating up the water in
the water tank.
Have you tried placing insulation between the water tank and the ground,
maybe paint the water tank in white?
Neat project anyway. ;)?
cover the buckets to give the roots dark no light if that dont help freze a
2 liter bottle an stick it in the rez?
How about putting a white painted trellis over your system? This would
still allow enough light in to your plants but cool everything down. Also
condider painting that black tote white.?
Cover/shade ur black reservoir, air temp don’t make it too hot, it’s the
direct sun light.?
check out Bobby’s (mhpgardener) video. he gives the Grainger stock # for
those grommets. if you have one locally you can pick up there, otherwise
the shipping is more than the grommet. It is good to develop local
resources also. congrats on your baby coming.?
freeze gal jugs in freezer and drop them in reserovir to keep water cool
all day?
ice packs work great and there cheap ….insulate your res and buckets and
your lines ?
dig a hole and put your reservoir in the ground to help keep the water cool?
Thank for the video and the trips. The hydroponic “bug” bit me and
currently I have 5 x 4 months old elephant garlic plants which I am going
to transplant into the dutch bucket system or my variation of it. For
“Plant food” or nutrients I will buy some liquid “fish poo” at the local
nursery and see if it works. ?
Move the reserve tank inside the garage ?
Thank you for your post, real nice video with good information. I have a
question: Where can I get the White Bucket? and it is safe for food growing?
Thank you again
freeze some liter or 2 liter bottles and put them in during the day.
refreeze over night. great video keep exploring! thanks?
I live in Phoenix and my reservoir is buried with only 2″ above ground. The
top of the reservoir is covered with a hinged white wooden lid. I’m using 3
gallon black bato buckets (12 each, I didn’t think to get free buckets)
which I have enclosed within a white plywood top and sides (open at the
bottom with holes cut for the buckets) to keep the sun off the buckets and
to keep the roots dark. I use 5-gallon paint strainer bags in the buckets
and fill them with perlite, no inserts. The system works well until about
June and I don’t care what you put in the reservoir to keep the water cool,
some plants like tomatoes do not produce well above 90 degrees. I totally
agree with having a larger reservoir. Keep the sun off your reservoir and
the sides of your buckets and you should do fine.?
Put your water tank in the ground that will help keep it cooler ?
The disadvantage of hydroponics is that you must buy “plant food” or
nutrients and supplements that can be costly.?
The disadvantage of hydroponics is you will need to buy “plant food” or
nutrition and supplements which are more costly.?
submerge your water! it will stay cool, at least dig a hole and put your
tote in it.?
Here in South Florida I have the same Heat issues. There are several ways
to get around it. First is to only grow in the Months with R. Or just the
reverse of the North that grows in summer only. That is what I am doing
now. Shade Cloth is very popular with Commercial Farmers because it does
cut out some heat but also Sun light for growing. Finally water coolers
work great but are expensive. I am in the Process of trying to build my own
water cooler using a small up right Freezer and RV anti Freeze in a closed
loop system. Hopefully by cooling my water, my plant can survive the heat.
Nice system. I think the some of the heat is due to the storage tank being
black and in direct sunlight. ?
i hope you colored the buckets as white buckets will let algae growth?
kalau boleh tau..
air nya harus mengalir terus atau boleh air yang diam saja?
pengin nyoba?
mba klo mau beli rockwool dmana ya?trimakasih ?
mantabb.siib lamgsung mau coba nie?
nutrisinya banyak kok yg jual. cari aja di gugel?
bisa disebutkan merk nutrisi A & B yang sudah jadi tinggal pake
maksutnya 1 tutup A, satu tutup B itu isinya apa bu?
A nutrisi yg mengandung .unsur hara makro :Nitrogen (N), Fosfor (P), Kalium
(K), Kalsium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Belerang (S), Besi (Fe), Mangan (Mn),
Boron (B), Molibdenum (Mo), Tembaga/cuprum (Cu), Seng (Zn) dan Klor (Cl). B
nutrisi yg mengandung unsur hara mikro :Besi (Fe), Mangan (Mn), Boron (B),
Molibdenum (Mo), Tembaga/cuprum (Cu), Seng (Zn) dan Klor (Cl), Natrium
(Na), Cobalt (Co), Silicon (Si), Nikel (Ni). kebutuhan nutrisinya berbeda2
menurut jenis tanaman nya
mba, kalo rockwool belinya dimana ya? aku lg nyari didaerah bintaro,
kira-kira ada ngga? makasih sebelumnya
kalo boleh tahu nutrsi A dan B bisa didapat dimana ya??dan dengan merek
makasi sudah share mbak, ijin ngesave ya buat panduan.