Bioponics is a method of organic hydroponics. It was not conceived by Bioponica but we have pioneered this topic.

The Biogarden is our patented grow system designed to support organic hydroponics aka bioponics and the most practical methods of soilless growing – deep water culture and aggregate based flood and drain. The Biogarden beds and tanks are unique in that they are relatively indestructible carbon infused black HDPE, food grade plastic pipes for making tanks and grow beds.

Unique features to the patented Biogarden include vertical stack options, with and without tanks below, and the incorporation of elements that make it possible to use a copious amount of organics within a soilless environment.

Features that we also developed for the process of organic soilless growing include the “Trickle Valve”, an alternative to bell siphon that works for deep water and aggregate beds within the Biogarden. We also have the “Bucket Vortex Aerator” that pulls water from one end to the other and restructures it into a Viktor Schauberger-inspired vortex that imparts characteristics that improve plant and fish utilization of nutrients and oxygen. The “Air Layer Technique” is an ebb and flow method of aerating the root zone, by draining water below the rafts to create an air layer, instead of using mechanical aerators.

To address the question of fatty acids and alcohols created from the process of anaerobic digestion in producing an organic liquid fertilizer from leachate I can say this: Decomposing organic matter is the source of all nutrients in pond and river environments. This supports all organisms from the bottom to the top of the food chain. When a leachate is produced within an anaerobic bucket or conical tank, there are additional elements created ranging from CO2 to H2S to methane, alcohol and fatty acids. These either volatilize off the mixture of biomass and water or rise to the surface or remain bound to the solids. Not much methane is produced from anaerobic digestion when the pH is managed properly. Driving down the pH increases acidophiles and minimizes methane producing bacteria. When we are doing this on a larger scale the leachate carries a lot of carbon that should be further reduced through aeration and biofiltration; for that we use a Nutricycler outside of the grow systems. When in a smaller system or a environment that can utilize the organics. Within the Biogarden we may use an inline biofilter or cohabit with fish and crawfish that consume and convert the carbon rich leachate or use it to grow other organisms such as algae and duckweed. I have found that it does not require oxygen to create algae if carbon rich organics (leachates) are used to ‘fertilize’ the water enviroment. CO2 gas bubbles through the water trough as bacteria and algae live in symbiosis. Just as Air Layer Technique allows us to eliminate mechanical aeration, carbon rich leachate creates a perfect environment for growing algae and spirulina without mechanical water agitation to infuse atmospheric CO2. We like bioponics, nutricycling, vortex aeration, air layer aeration and these types of methods for their important sustainability benefits. If homes could utilize a simple Biogarden and Nutricycler that operates as easily as a refridgerator, for instance, then more people would have access to fresh produce and the burden to our waste treatment facilities could be dramatically reduced. Sustainability is needed to save our planet, and besides that, it makes life a whole lot of fun!

I am the founder of Bioponica; our website is My day job is as a telemedicine physician, helping folks manage mood and behavior disorders and preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s using the Walsh Nutrient Protocol. The website for this is Since 1992 I have operated and managed Earth Solutions this company was originally inspired by a product that utilized deuterium sulfate as a means of providing oxygen and hydrogen gas for soil ecology enhancement and skin care. It has morphed into an aromatherapy and silver jewelry company. You can see more there at

In 2017 Bioponica created our first commercial “Biofarm” in Oakland, Oregon. It is for sale and can be seen here Other videos on this page show me operating it to grow hemp, algae, lettuce, make liquid fertilizer and enjoy my time in the beautiful Willamette Valley.

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Bioponics; Complete DIY Organic Hydroponics Setup including Making Liquid Fertilizer

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  • Jose Gamez

    Using the fertilizer you make from the kitchen scraps, won't harm the fish you have in the tank?
    Any household has many kitchen scraps, and many people uses to make the fertilizers for plants. I am worried if this liquid fertilizer would be a bad thing for the fish in the aquaponic system. I do thank you for sharing this information.

  • Yat-Fung Yeung

    Genius, make the whole process more efficient, then you can Scale it, and make it commersial. If growing fish is not the primary objective, this is much better. Actully easier to maintain.

  • Steve

    David, awesome video as always! I love how you're harnessing the microbial world to grow your plants. I do have a question for you. You mentioned that you do an anaerobic fermentation of around a couple weeks. Don't you get a buildup of volatile fatty acids and alcohols that can be damaging to the roots unlike a longer term anaerobic digestion where the carbon is converted to Methane?