John from goes on a field trip to Viragrow in North Las Vegas and shares with you the best vegetable garden soil in Las Vegas at the lowest price he has found.
In this episode, you will learn more about viragrow and the best vegan soil you can buy for your organic vegetable garden. You will learn about some of their different grades of soil, compost and soil blends.
You will see the results of growing the same vegetables growing at the same time in their most popular soil blends to discover which soil blend you may want to purchase.
You will discover John’s recommendations for the soil you should buy to have the better probability of success when growing in Las Vegas, Henderson or North Las Vegas.
You will learn how you can save money by purchasing soil in bulk even if you don’t have a truck.
You will also learn about several soil amendments that should be added to your soil if you are growing vegetables in Southern Nevada.
John will also share his personal recommendations about some of the best amendments you should purchase and add to the Rejuvenate mix to have the best soil you can buy in Las Vegas.
Jump to the following parts of this episode:
00:15 Episode Starts
03:00 Why Your Garden might fail in Las Vegas
08:41 GS Compost – Yard Waste Compost
9:50 Wood Particles in Soil
10:42 Organic COmpost with Rice Hulls
11:20 Rejuvenate Soil Blend – Recommended Soil
12:01 MJ Mix – More Expensive Mix
13:27 Synthetic Fertilizers Added to Mixtures
13:49 Demonstration Garden
15:26 Vegetables Growing with Garden Soil Mix
16:19 Vegetables growing in Tomato Lady Soil Mix
17:19 Vegetables growing with Rejuvenate Soil Mix
18:13 Vegetables growing with the MJ Soil Mix
19:20 My recommendations on the Soil You Should Buy
20:51 How to Save Money and Buy Soil in Bulk without a truck
23:50 Amendments You Should add to Make Rejuvenate Soil Mix Better
24:20 Rock Dust – Kelzyme adds trace minerals to your soil
26:05 Where to Get the lowest cost Azomite Rock dust in Las Vegas
27:53 Worm Castings
29:00 Why Worm Castings are important
32:00 Worm Castings are only as Good as what the Worms are Fed
33:25 Where to get the best worm castings in Las Vegas
34:43 Vermiculite –
35:58 Pumice
37:00 Where to get perlite in Las Vegas at the lowest price
37:43 Nice Clean Wood Chip Mulch
38:11 Where to get free mulch in Las Vegas
39:00 Summary of the best soil in Las Vegas
After watching this episode, you will learn where you can purchase the best soil in Las Vegas and the amendments you should add to make it even better at the lowest price.
Referenced Episodes:
ViraGrow Original Episode
Best Soil in Texas
Most Important Compost Your Not Using
Interview with Worm Casting Expert
How the Best Worm Castings are Made
How I doubled my pepper harvest without pruning
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Learn more about Viragrow at
1100 E Delhi Ave
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
(702) 399-3868
Video Rating: / 5
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Jump to the following parts of this episode:
00:15 Episode Starts
03:00 Why Your Garden might fail in Las Vegas
08:41 GS Compost – Yard Waste Compost
9:50 Wood Particles in Soil
10:42 Organic COmpost with Rice Hulls
11:20 Rejuvenate Soil Blend – Recommended Soil
12:01 MJ Mix – More Expensive Mix
13:27 Synthetic Fertilizers Added to Mixtures
13:49 Demonstration Garden
15:26 Vegetables Growing with Garden Soil Mix
16:19 Vegetables growing in Tomato Lady Soil Mix
17:19 Vegetables growing with Rejuvenate Soil Mix
18:13 Vegetables growing with the MJ Soil Mix
19:20 My recommendations on the Soil You Should Buy
20:51 How to Save Money and Buy Soil in Bulk without a truck
23:50 Amendments You Should add to Make Rejuvenate Soil Mix Better
24:20 Rock Dust – Kelzyme adds trace minerals to your soil
26:05 Where to Get the lowest cost Azomite Rock dust in Las Vegas
27:53 Worm Castings
29:00 Why Worm Castings are important
32:00 Worm Castings are only as Good as what the Worms are Fed
33:25 Where to get the best worm castings in Las Vegas
34:43 Vermiculite –
35:58 Pumice
37:00 Where to get perlite in Las Vegas at the lowest price
37:43 Nice Clean Wood Chip Mulch
38:11 Where to get free mulch in Las Vegas
39:00 Summary of the best soil in Las Vegas
Hey John you in Las Vegas fulltime now? Man, I wanted to visit my humble garden here in SF bay area.
Awesome. There's a compost facility in Norman, OK close to where I live. 10$ a truck load. I still add imputes, but it helps a lot in volume for raised beds.
John, Do you know of a place like this in the Northern Sacramento Area?
Whoa! The MJ mix has really good results. The brussel sprouts have very big leaves. Those would be some fantastic eating!
Las vegas company that makes their own compost. I like it better than viragrow; the compost has a better decomposition on it.
Thanks Again John for the great Info you gave me this morning , it was a real pleasure to have met you Love this video and I will be visiting vira grow to purchase my soil thanks again.
Hey what's up ? love your channel And all the knowledge that you have to offer .Do you have any sees I can grow in South Florida
So they make crap compost then add fertilizers that's commercial windrow compost for you, and people say the soil in their gardens are contaminated then buy this shit with biosolids which is human shit mixed with bleach and whatever else people dump down drains lol.
John, with all due respect none of that is soil by any stretch of the imagination
Call it what it is, compost which should be used as an amendment to the native soil in order to increase it's organic matter
Compost as an amendment can provide an initial kick start for the soil food web while not forgetting to add clay also
That gs compost looks like the crap I got from Lidls they called it soil conditioner it was supposed to be yard waste but it had chipboard from old kitchens and I even found some silicone that had solidified in the plastic nozzle.
I would recommend staying away from that junk.
All commercial windrow made multipurpose compost is absolutely rubbish and devoid of nutrients.
Lol! I’ve been in Vegas for awhile…. i agree, soil is HARD to get here. I’ll have to send you a guy’s info…. he makes compost in his backyard. It’s amazing! He also sells seedlings.
I live seventy (70) mies from Vegas, but was going to go to the Sonoma Soil place, and now you’re saying Houston has the best soil?
I love your show.
Thank you
I also called John Rose and intend to get that juicer as well.
You talk too much, get to the fkin point already.
Thanks dude. Why is the MJ mix onlyfor outdoors not indoor
I watched the whole video and I live in OH. Thanks John
Hi John I live in Fountain Valley CA, where would you recommend to buy bulk around here? Thanks John. Love your vids, informative and you are pretty funny. Always entertaining.
Waist my time. Your an idiot!
Yo guys visit the Tomtato ladies page. She needs some love.
Please remember that for every vegitable there is a hungry critter. Implementing a defense to prevent said critter from getting into your garden will go a long way towards a successful harvest.
My tip is don't overdo it the first year. Start small and work your way up.
Try to balance veg you love, veg that's expensive at the market, and veg that has a short harvest time. Onions, parsnips and other slow-growing or slow-germination veg are difficult to keep a beginner inspired while they wait. A splurge of zucchini is nothing but trouble if your tastebuds (or your kids') detest them 🙂
I try to grow one new vegetable each year that I have never eaten just for the fun of it.
You never know you may like it.
Thank you for your video..:-)
I feel like every year is a new garden
Looking good
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Yes spring is just around the corner!
My tip is keep it simple and only grow what you will eat.