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Composting can complement any gardening or farming you enjoy; take care of your garden or lawn with the gardening tips on soil composition in these free videos.
Expert: Travis Steglich
Bio: Travis Steglich is the owner and operator of the Steglich Feed and Farm Supply Store.
Filmmaker: MAKE | MEDIA
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no the pine does not make the soil acidic because by the time it decomposes it turns alkaline.
Pine needles are acidic on tree but won't release it on the ground as mulch.
I was glad to see your video on using pine straw as mulch, I've used it on my tomato plants for the last couple of years and always had great success with it! but this year I am planting way more veggies in my small space and the soil gets dried out so easy so i took some pine straw and put it around my bush beans, cabbage and broccoli. I have a big pile of pine straw back behind the house, when I was raking it all out I found at the bottom of the pile that the decomposing pine is now like fine dirt!
Something ate on of cabbage plants the first night I put them out, I used my trusty Jerry Baker book "Terrific Garden Tonics" you use 1 cup of flour and 2 tablespoons of Red Pepper and dust them with it using my flour hand sifter, the worm it's the flour and blows up and the red pepper keeps bugs away. I know you prolly already knew this didn't you??! love your garden videos! Take Care
Some lessons are best learned through this video. Introducing the benefits of using pine straw mulch sounds very challenging. I love growing mushrooms too. I'm so glad to hear these details.
Awesome! I know very little about aquaponics, but am really glad to hear it worked in a system like that.
I have a small aquaponic system that I needed to drop the PH in. So after viewing this I tried stuffing some pine needles in a strainer bag and sinking it in my distribution barrel. Worked gr8, thanks
Thank you!
I don't think you would want to add pine needles to an already acidic soil. A soil test is the best bet, but I never do get my soil tested. Several other folks around me have had the soil tested and it always comes back high alkaline. Adding pine needles or oak leaves will lower the pH of the soil over time, just as adding lime or wood ash will raise the pH.
Never enough! 🙂
You sure grow a lot of stuff!
Enjoyed the video Roosevelt. My neighbor has an enormous pine tree with very long needles. I should get some of that. Except, I haven't done a soil test, all our natural soil is clay, which I have heavily amended, and I wonder if you can put that on everything? Also, it doesn't shed all year round, so I would have to store the needles somewhere.
Strange weather patterns abound around the world.
nice video as usual. looked at the lilacs one first. pity about he asparagas. we have had the coldest spring for 50 years in the UK
Thanks Jay! I think I can take snapshots with included editing software that came with the playsport camera I use. I know good customized thumbnails are important for getting more views and such, but I tend to overlook creating them most of the time.
If your serious about saving the thumbnail …. I use VLC media player. Easy, free download, no malware and plays every format I know of. I use it also to watch my DVD's and playCD ROM's. Allows you take snapshots of the video. You'll have to go under the tools menu and customize the interface. There is a button you can add that allows you to scroll the video frame by frame.
No, but I noticed the same thing. I love the way YT chooses the best possible thumbnail out of how many thousands of choices. Harr! 🙂 I should find a way to save that thumbnail to use for a spinach video.
Hey Roosevelt, did anyone tell you yet that you look like Popeye in the video thumbnail?
Awesome! The way things are, we will need to grow our own stuff for sure. Well done, brother! 🙂
Thanks, it's good to hear the pine straw works for others.
thanks, I used grass clippings in the big garden last year and the soil is much improved.
man i dont want to buy it…and i dont want sum crazy city ompost that is not near organic quality..