Did you know that you can have a full garden on your balcony? I only recently learnt about the Balcony & Urban Gardening Group in the UAE from whom I learnt …
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Rachel and Tom show us their 0.28 acre backyard urban farm. Their project A Year Without Groceries started as an experiment and has become a lifestyle. They …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
wow…it seems you have overcome a lot of challenges there especially the
heat… glad to see more and more people doing balcony gardening… you can
also try aquaponics…. so you can have fish and vegetables at the same
time…. can’t wait to see more videos from other members doing the same…
from your friends at aquaponics in saudi arabia, jeddah gardeners club in
facebook…. ?
If you love the idea to grow your own food at home, I’m pretty sure you
will fall in love with that project. We truly believe that everyone can
grow their own food 365 days/year (yes even in winter) and live healthy!
Take a look, and if you love it like I think you will, spread the words!
Will you be a part of this great change??
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