Our Back To Eden Garden is still producing! BUT we are getting to the point where very soon we will be doing our winter prep. But in the meantime Starry is going over some tips on how to start preparing your BTE garden before the first frost comes! Come along as she shares some key points to help your fall garden make it a couple more weeks!!
Remember to check out Starrys BLOG wheere she posts articles and pictures giving more tips and tuorials for you people at home!!
And dont forget our facebook page either!
Thanks for the video and tips!
Love your excitement. When I watch your videos I just have to go outside and hug my plants. Waiting for our small holding, but all in God's time. thanks for your great videos . Love and blessings from South Africa
@ 3:30 mark, we see how the dog is quietly resting on the wood chips beside the plants. it is just so relaxing to see them this way.
Great BTE garden. I don't ever get tired of ways to use this method.
Cheers! zone 7
To plant a garden is to believe in the future.
those peppers are beautiful…jealous!
Okay, I subscribed. I'll follow your journey.
Good tips Starry! I just uploaded my "Harvest Roundup" video showing the bounty of veggies. I think knowing that the season is over and a job is well done is such a bless when you realize God gave the increase! Can't wait to sit down and plan next springs plant starting and my new exciting projects. I get excited watching people enjoy what God has created. God Bless!
I so love your excitement and appreciation of a simple garden! That my friend is beautiful innocence. :)
Hey Starry what great ideas!
Looking forward to the pumpkin puree recipe, will you be canning it??
I really enjoyed this October tour! Thank you for sharing your tips on gardening and God's love!!
Thank you so much for the celery and tomato tips!
No problem I don't think anyone could be more computer illiterate than I am lol … do you have any form of a smart phone because you could just download instagram and set up an account which is just a username and password and then you just explore the app which is really simply laid out if you decide to try it out let me know and I'll give you a shout out to get your account out there for people to start following you or you could make a video and let all of you subscribers know I'm sure they would love it too
I just need a big window sil lol
I love your garden. Thank you again for your video.
How much area do you have/use for your garden and is this enough for your family.
do do lol!
Why is it called Eden gardening ?
You guys have to start an Instagram account I would love to see pics of all the little things that go on in the garden … If you do my account of the same as my youtube I post all kinds of pics regarding my garden and other organic things lol
Thanks for sharing with us!