I wanted to bring you along just a little bit of the, kind of the interim process of this vertical grow tower. It’ll be Vertical Grow Tower 1.4.

Bright AgroTech – http://goo.gl/J2SoJP
MHPGardener – http://goo.gl/qa2PUQ
Brock Hughes – http://goo.gl/KVCimK
Rob Bob – http://goo.gl/p9HwZ7

ActiveAqua 550 Pump – http://goo.gl/uaIXPN
MasterBlend Fertilizer – http://goo.gl/r5SJsF
Calcium Nitrate – http://amzn.to/1qKZWUO
Epsom Salt – http://amzn.to/1qL0dXG
TDS Meter – http://amzn.to/1jTVOgx

This was the first lettuce that I ever planted and I planted a plant in each one of these pots and I’m down to, well, I’ve got one of them that died fairly quickly and then this one here, I broke off the other day, it was totally my accident, but I broke it off, so I’m going to leave it in there and see if it will grow out.

In the tub, I know it looks like a mess, but really, I promise, it’s not. This little piece here on the manifold, it’s untapped for a reason because I wanted to be able to relieve pressure. All of this manifold runs to the bottles that are lined up around the edge.

Back at the bottles, I have a hole drilled in every single one of these, there’s a hole, and I have a 2-gallon-per-hour dripper line put on these. Now, I simply had the 2-gallon-per-hour dripper because I don’t know what it’s going to take.

This pump is a pump that I got from Bright Agrotech, 550 gallons per hour, it’s the Active Aqua Submersible 550. I will put a link in the description of the video and also in the blog post that’s associated with this, to the purchase page on Bright Agrotech’s website. This pump was purchased for me by a good friend of mine, Rob Bop [phonetic], who has an active YouTube channel down under and he does aquaponics, he has a fish farm that he’s building and he does a lot of very unique gardening in his backyard and I suggest you go and check him out.

Thank you, Rob, I really do appreciate you helping me out with this setup and I will continue to support you, man, I love what you’re doing, keep it up.

Today, I took all these bottles off and I wrapped them in duct tape. If you look at these bottles here, I used the shiny, reflective duct tape that you can use, kind of seam together—well, I used it in my grow room to hold the Mylar together, and it’s the same thing, this stuff works wonderful and it blocks out the light. It’s a pain in the butt to work with, and it’s a little more expensive than regular duct tape, but it blocks out more light.

I’m using the 4-18-38 Master Blend Fertilizer from Morgan County Seeds. I was told that this is a really good fertilizer to use by Bobby (MHPGardener). Then you have to supplement that with some calcium nitrate and this is a 15.5, 5-pound bag of it and I got this from Greenway Biotech on Amazon. Then I’m also mixing in some Epsom salt.

Thank you, Brach Hughes, I do want to say thank you to you, buddy, for helping me to get everything lined up and set up properly.

Correct me if I’m wrong, because I’m still learning this stuff, but I think total dissolved solids, or a TDS meter, is the same as parts per million. I could be all wrong here, but I think you can come up with the parts per million based on total dissolved solids. So this is a cool little tool to have. I bought it on Amazon and it’s probably the best place to go to get it.

Well, it’s taken me a lot longer to get to this point than what I thought it would. I sure hope that you like what you see and I will be willing to take any suggestions you have. I put a couple of thumbnails here at the end of the video for you to go and check out, if you’re a new subscriber, make sure you go and watch the “About My Channel” video and see if it’s something that you want to be a part of. I’m on a mission to make the world a better place and I think it’s going to take all of us to make that happen. More next time, please give us a thumbs up if you like the video and share it with others so we can change the world.

More to come soon, God Bless!


Website – http://www.aworld4change.com
Personal YouTube Channel – http://goo.gl/aDNCKg
TV Show YouTube Channel -http://goo.gl/ONYbKX
Google Plus Profile – https://plus.google.com/+WayneMeador
TV Show Google Plus Profile – https://plus.google.com/+Aworld4changeTV
Seed Savers Community On Google+ – http://goo.gl/dFQmKI
Pay It Forward Community On Google+ – http://goo.gl/L5f0MM
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TV Show Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/AWorld4Change
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Recorded With – Canon VIXIA HF R400 – http://amzn.to/1kBgq9z

Thumbnail Image Created With – Tube Slicer – http://rfd913fire.slicerapps.hop.clickbank.net/?pid=youtubeslicer
See A List Of All Slicer Apps Products – http://rfd913fire.slicerapps.hop.clickbank.net/?pid=slicerprosuite

Aquaponic/Hydroponic Vertical Grow Tower 1.4 (Re-Purposed Materials)

About The Author


  • bo ter berg

    Cheap drip regulator can be found on drip tubes / tube feeders (medical supplies). I ordered them online for .50 euro a piece. I did use the whole tube, regulator etc for dripping pee in my peeponics. Pee tend to clog the line sooner or later tho. 
    Cheers !

  • tannenbaum

    I believe the nutrient mixture you've shown in your lettuce set-up is for tomatoes, which would explain why you're seeing some leaf burn. Hope this helps.

  • LifeMechanics

    hey wayne, for that clamp on the water line you should go and order some water weenie's and just use the water clamps they use for those as a clamp for your water line. water weenie clamps are adjustable for either a set amount of flow or to pinch off the line altogether. and water weenies are cheap!

  • DemonGaming

    Awesome system. Totally brilliant. You mentioned in the video about the nutrient problems.  Have you tried to incorporate fish to feed the plants? Feed the fish to feed the plants. :3

  • Alabama Organic Gardening

    Wayne, you are going to convince me to venture into aquaponics if you are not careful!
    Seriously though, you have constructed that grow tower in a way that just about anyone can do it. Well done, sir! 

  • Blake “Daddykirbs” Kirby

    Gardening with duct tape! Nice LOL. I like it Wayne. You are doing a great job with your vertical grow tower hydroponics experiments. Keep it up!

  • nery colon 1

    That's great. I think that these guys are great like MHPGardener, brock, Rob Bob and may others that really knows what they are doing. I only know how to put a little baby plant in a little glass of water lol Your plants looks really nice. Peppers and Strawberries

  • fatoldladyinpjs

    You can get binder clips from office supply companies for your hoses.  Go to an aquarium shop to get tablets for the algae.  These are designed to prevent it in koi ponds.  You will have to divide the tablets into sections and try to figure out how much for your tower, but that should do the trick.  They last about a month.  I want to do one, too.  I'm interested in your experience.  Looking forward to more videos.

  • Jim S

    Lookin' good, Wayne! 
    I'd bet that the aluminum tape will hold up better than the regular duct tape. The sun kills duct tape pretty quick. So a little more for that may pay off in the long run.
    Looking forward to future updates. Thanks for sharing.

  • Blue 823

    Wayne.. that is freaking awesome… so thats what lettuce is supposed to look like.. HAHAHA…  mine is struggling but making a come back.
    Nice job on the tower.