www.AquaponicsCourse.com – Are you interested in learning how to grow fresh fish and vegetables right in your home backyard or home? This video shows you 5 r…
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Aquaponic Gardening Course Introduction

About The Author


  • aquaponicgardening

    Agreed that there is always something more to know, Glenn. That’s why I
    don’t say “everything there IS to know”…just what you NEED to know. And I
    firmly believe that this course delivers on that promise.

  • Glenn Martinez

    I would suggest avoiding the phase “everything you need to know”….
    perhaps something like ” everything you need to get started….” there is
    always more….for sure you and others will be offering “advanced courses”

  • 1aquaponics

    Murray Hallam is not a commercial aquaponicist nor is he a founder of
    aquaponics but rather had a good marketing team to promote himself as such
    and as they say…the rest is history…fake it till you make it. Go and
    source out Dr Jim Rakocy and his team now run by Don Bailey at the UVI or
    Dr Nick Savidov in Canada or even Nelson and Pade who have been doing real
    commercial aquaponics and making breakthroughs since the early 1990s

  • XtremelyAnonymous420

    i have the book as well cant imagine why someone would say its worthless,
    unless maybe your are just a worthless idiot who didnt take the time to
    read through the book…. also if ur searching for commercial aquaponics u
    might want to look up murray hallam, who is considered to be one of the
    founders of aquaponics and he helped to write the book…. infact i bet you
    dont even have the book, or you were too lazy to read it and now ur just
    looking to cause sht… ignorant troll.

  • Erol K

    You should really know everything to build aquaponics garden. I recently
    begin this gardening technique with really good product. I think, if you
    have advanced instructions then you will have more fertile garden, and you
    can easily build one. I have found this product from makeusknow. If you
    search makeusknow with google then you can reach the instructions in this
    website. Hope you will like the instructions.

  • aquaponicgardening

    Thanks for that and great question! The course is far more extensive than
    the video. The course is in 33, 10ish minute segments so you can easily
    watch them in whatever order you want. Plus since it is at my home with my
    systems I can demonstrate far more than I could in the classroom where the
    video was shot. Finally, the course is interactive. You can ask questions
    or see other’s questions, and I can answer them. And there are bi-monthly
    online live sessions where we can chat!

  • buckstarchaser

    I have that book. It is fucking worthless, hence I’m still looking stuff up
    on the internet. Seeing that this is the writer of the book really puts
    things into perspective. I wouldn’t suggest you buy her book or pay her for
    the class. Go search up people who actually do aquaponics instead of having
    their gardener do it for them.

  • aquaponicgardening

    You can buy the book and the course from our site. Please see the link at
    the beginning of the video description. We are offering GREAT introductory
    pricing right now…especially if you buy them together! No certificate
    yet, but I’m considering doing that for those who finish all the lessons
    and pass an assessment test. Would you be interested?

  • aquaponicgardening

    Udemy.com. We love it because it had great instructor tools, and it has a
    way to facilitate live chats…just seemed much more interactive than some
    of the other formats out there.

  • Tony Park

    I just last week received your book and video, I love them both and can’t
    wait to get my system started. How will this course be any different than
    the video?

  • UninterRC

    I know very little about aquaponics and i have been searching the net for
    only a couple of days now. i have also bought your book. From a quick read
    through several sections of the book i must say it has some very good
    information, especially if you are new to it. However I would like to know
    how advanced this course is. Is this a University level course?

  • Judy S. Martinez

    Thank you for your video. I also have the comprehensive step-by-step video
    guidelines teaching how to make your own homemade Aquaponic system. Its so
    simple that even your granny can do it! Look at below site for additional