If you follow these 6 easy steps to gardening you will have a fabulously successful vegetable garden. You can see the results of these steps with growth of m…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
The women participating in the Casa de Las Mujeres skills development program are also working with Farmer to Farmer Field Officer, Elisa Estrada, and volunt…
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Don’t stay with him. He never gets to his point…Just rambles on about
the book he’s plugging, with no specifics, of course.?
This information sounds great! These effective ideas in attaining a
successful gardening would be of great help to every individual who are
highly enthusiast in the field of gardening. I am really glad to hear the
most inexpensive and productive method through watching this video! Thank
you! ?
I have a garden I plant it last week and theirs already roots?
was the lumber processed or was it from raw lumber?? I wouldn’t want any
chemicals in my plants thus in me and my family
….By the way….DDT was extremely successful as well….?
I thought he was gonna get to the point?
I am gathering supplies to try the mittleider gardening. Can cedar sawdust
be used if I can’t find regular sawdust? ?
Very healthy looking plants there! Nice to see things growing so well.?
Do you think that Mittleider would work in containers … i.e. that sand
and sawdust in a container for something like trees, berries, larger
plants, bushes or trees??
Happy Friday! Check out this great DIY Video?
I dont get it. why spend all this time with making all these videos telling
us how good your growing and harvest is. Then going to buy the book. Why
dont you make videos showing us how to do it all. step by step like the
other plant youtubers. Sounds like you are just trying to sell books.
Absolutely. The Mittleider weekly feed provides any and all plants with all
the nutrients they need. You don’t need sawdust and sand. I just used it
because it was inexpensive and does a great job.
Thank you for jumping in and helping. It is appreciated.
The six steps are free. There is nothing to buy. I do feel the six steps
are very good tips. My bees are doing great. I just checked them today.
They are all healthy hives and busting at the seams with new bees. I hope
we have another great honey year. They are busy in my garden pollinating.
You’re right – I love the updates 🙂 Keep ’em coming! Looking great!
Your potatoes looks great. Really healthy. I planted potatoes but I don’t
know how they are doing. It’s been raining like crazy and I’ve been in bed
for almost 2 weeks. I can’t wait to see the harvest.
I’d love to see your 6 steps, but I do not want to go on Facebook. Have you
another link, to a non-social networking site? I’ve bought 2 old Mittleider
books (growbox and growbeds), and watched most of your Mittleider videos. I
may still modify with the Back to Eden chips, since conservation of water
is high on my list (normal summer drought in CA). Thanks, LDSPrepper!
Diversity is a code word for less White People. Nobody says an Asian
country that is 100% Asian needs more diversity. Nobody says an African
country that is 100% Black needs more diversity. Anti-Whites claim
I have so far 33 videos in this series. Please watch my “Mittleider
Gardening Method” playlist.
is it better to grow potato’s in Sand Vs soil and growbags?
So I can use the Mettlieder fertilizers with my dirt?? No way can I find
sawdust or sand. Awesome! Thank You!
Why do this – its ridiculous ? I can lay down a no dig bed and everything
will grow TWICE as big as this – no problem. Vegetables just want lots of
organic feed, no dig bed is just organic matter – no soil at all – makes
this look like growing in concrete – sorry. It just upsets me people RAVING
and RANTING about something that requires ten times as much work, WAY less
yield (sorry its a fact), way, WAY worse for the environment and worse
results. check out no dig gardening – or lasanga.
very goo
Thank you Chris. I appreciate the help with their question.
How do you get your PVC pipe to stand above ground and how much water do
you send through? Do you put holes in the bottom of the pvc pipe? I’d
probably use sq. ft. garden. How many potato plants to a square foot?
Very informative tips for homeowners…..