I walk through my garden and give you a lot of options for creating trellises and ways to stake your plants. Really worth watching to get some ideas you can adapt to your garden’s needs.
I recommend the following Gardening & Homestead YT Channels & Websites:
All America Selections Flowers & Vegetables
Find new award winning plants there. I will be doing garden plant profiles there and creating content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdlgHfqT7lAETwGJUBq6uqw/featured
CaliKim Garden & Home DIY
Roots & Refuge https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTZN3HhejW1tOiRdLGUCGGA
For Awarding Winning Garden Plant Varieties: All America Selections Website: https://all-americaselections.org/
For Great Gardening Information and Plant Variety Search:
National Garden Bureau Website: https://ngb.org/combination-ideas/
Please Help Support My Channel: The Rusted Garden – Thanks!
Visit The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop: https://www.therustedgarden.com/ – Seeds, Starting Supplies, Neem Oil, Peppermint & Other Oils, Calcium Nitrate & More.
I now have an Amazon Influencer’s Storefront. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. It is free to use.
Just use my… The Rusted Garden Influencer’s Storefront link at https://www.amazon.com/shop/garypilarchiktherustedgarden anytime you shop.
I put the products I use, in videos, there and have gardening products set up by categories. Here are the direct links by description.
Products in My 2019 YouTube Videos
Seed Starting Supplies and Grow-Light Stations
Containers, Pots and Small Green Houses
Better Greenhouses, Shade Cloth & Acclimation Set-Ups
Fertilizers & Amendments: Indoor and Outdoor Gardening
Disease and Pest Management
Garden Tools: The Rusted Garden
Gardening Books and Resources
Products I Use and Recommend. I have an affiliation with them:
The Seed Company I Recommend is Everwilde Farms: https://www.everwilde.com/. Use the code RUSTEDGARDEN for a free seed pack. No ‘THE’ in this code. i have an affiliation with them.
Worm Castings: Use the Discount Code THERUSTEDGARDEN on VermisTerra Products and save 10% at https://vermisterra.com/
GreenStalk Vertical Gardening: Use the Discount Code THERUSTEDGARDEN on GreenStalk ‘Vertical Tier Systems’. Use this link and enter my code for the discount http://store.greenstalkgarden.com/?afmc=therustedgarden or this short link http://lddy.no/4eal
Garden Shelving Systems: Use the Discount Code THERUSTEDGARDEN on Shirley’s Simple Shelving and Raised Bed Products at http://www.shirleyssimpleshelving.com/
My Social Media Links:
Follow me on Instagram for Harvest Pictures, Updates and Give-Aways: https://www.instagram.com/therustedgarden/
Visit My Original Blog The Rusted Vegetable Garden: https://therustedgarden.blogspot.com/
Contact Me at therustedgarden@gmail.com for questions or if you are interested in affiliations or advertising
Hi do you drill holes in all your metal containers? Thankful
Great video! From where have bought the container??
Gary Have you ever tried growing any San Marazano Tomatoes in a Bucket, At all if so Can you provide a Video on it if you can Thanks.
I do not see a Link For the Bamboo Poles , Can you Please Provide one thanks etc.
Hey Gary how do u support the melons vertically? Love all the info u share! Thank you sincerely!
Should I cut few or shorten leafs of Roma tomato? It is getting big and starting to overlap with the tomatoes around it
Hi Gary, a great informative video. I will try some of your suggestions. A good companion video to compliment your tips would be how to support your melons on the trellis.
Hey Gary, thanks for the tips. I found some old tomato cages that are somewhat rusted, is still okay to stick them in the bucket for my tomatoes? Thanks.
That's a lot of yard you don't have to mow now.
I live in Calgary Canada. I am interested in trying to grow garlic in a container. When would I start them and is it possible?
Great video, What spray would you put on green beans don’t see any bugs but hole in the leaves or would you just dust them . If bugs what kind of bugs eat green bean leaves ? I live in West Tennessee so I think I am in zone 7
Thanks for the great video..lots of good info here. Have a great growing season.
I wish I would have seen this 3 months ago because I've been playing catch up with my vegetables especially the tomatoes… they grew SO good but it's a constant battle…! There are so many good ideas.. thanks so much….
Love the tripod! I use old fishing poles. I like a little whimsy in my garden.
You omitted lower and lean methods.
Great Ideas! Thanks
How many tomatoes can I grow in a 4×12 raised bed?
Wow. Your garden is so impressive! Your harvest videos are gonna be like 2 hrs. long! Thanks for the update sir. Catch ya next time.
Great ideas, where did you purchase the round silver tins from? The ones with the peppers in it!