Gardening in Arizona during the fall is the best. However, the strategy and the plants are very different from our spring and summer garden. I compiled my 10 best tips for success in a desert fall/winter garden. I have a few things that got a little crunchy during last week’s temps but the mornings around here are something to talk about. I love seeing all the bees in action and the pollination taking place right before my eyes. I hope your fall garden is waking up nicely and the leftovers from summer are stretching out far & wide for you to see.

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10 tips for Arizona Fall Gardening

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  • Jenn Hoff

    This is so great! I did not know there was special "shade cloth!" I just put some sheer organza up because I figured it would let some filtered light through. But I'll have to look into cloth specifically designed to this outdoors! Also I've never thought of using an app to remind me to fertilize! That's brilliant.

  • Sheila Fade

    Yes I have planted mustard greens turnip greens, cabbage, carrots, onions, and cauliflower and I just received my comfrey and I planted them I am so excited! My greens are already up, I love to see things grow….

  • Lesley Lizbeth

    Thanks so much for the strawberry info! My son and I are super excited and ready to start planting them! Where do you suggest we buy plants ready to be transplanted online? I'd appreciate the help.