How to Protect Your Vegetable Garden from the Wind

John from shares 3 ways he protects his plants from wind in his raised bed vegetable garden.

In this episode, you will learn how John protects his plants from up to 40 mph dry winds he recently had in his garden.

You will also learn about John’s opinions about the wind if it is a good or bad thing for your vegetable garden and your plants.

After watching this episode, you will better know how to deal with heavy winds that may negatively affect your garden.

You will learn how to best protect your plants from wind damage so you can have food to eat out of your raised bed vegetable garden.

Learn more about the Plant Protectors at:

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How to Protect Your Vegetable Garden from the Wind

About The Author


  • kannabai

    For wind, or early season protection and greenhouse effect, just like the plastic cloche john showed– you can use a 1 gallon milk container.

    Cut off the bottom, cut a bamboo stake in half. Place stake next to plant, and the container will stay in place with the bamboo going through the lid.

    What john showed is likely a $3+ item. The milk container will have exact same effect and most people already have them.

    Try same plants next to eachother (before summer), one with cover, one without.

  • Mogamat Alie Marquard

    hi john im farming in cape town south africa im in the city we need your expertise how about you coming for a visit my people need to start growing there own food as unemployment is a big problem

  • Pancho Gautama

    Im from south of France where we got mistral, a 120km/h wind like today. To get protection from this heavy dry wind i cover up my soil with straw to prevent water evaporation and to add some structure for my plants (5-10cm deep around the trunk)

  • Cannas Garden

    hey john i have been having a problem with skunks getting into my garden and actually digging up my plants and just digging holes all over my garden. do you have any tips or suggestions? i appreciate anyones input thanks

  • social3ngin33rin

    Green onions don't like to be knocked over and bent, it can start wilting the edible part of the plant. Less importantly, it makes them less manageable, because the many leaves that survive being bent will grow strong and stay bent. They also end up crossing each other and it can become a mess. I placed vertical metal tube cages around them, it's no longer a problem lol

  • Clayton Foster

    Hey John i had a question for you. what are you're thoughts on Fox Farm products there soils and have you used them or do you use them and do you have any video on the products themselves?

  • Sherry M

    Windy here in SC lately too.  I hope and pray you get some good acreage one day.  Go get married and have some babies and bring up some kids that actually know that food does not come from McDonalds and drive-through windows.  God Bless and keep it up.

  • permaWarrior

    Episode 8 “Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy” is starting shortly and you certainly don’t want to miss it. 🙂

    Go here to watch Episode 8

    Click here to watch Eps 8

    Here’s just a few of the things you’ll learn in tonight’s show:

    How “Curative Cannabis – Heavenly Hemp – Medical Marijuana” is effective at preventing and beating cancer
    Travel with the TTAC team to London and meet a man who was diagnosed as “Terminal” who used hemp oil to reverse his cancer
    The way that herbs and foods can actually turn off the “cancer switches” in your body and turn on the “healthy switches” (epigenetics)
    Dr. Burzynskis’ anti-neoplaston treatment (Visit his clinic in Houston)
    Visit two doctors in Heerlen, Netherlands, and learn about their micronutrient therapy that has successfully treated over 10,000 cancer patients in Europe
    Take a trip with the TTAC team to Rosarita, Mexico and learn about Gerson Therapy
    Plus so much more

    Be sure to tune in and watch tonight’s episode here.

    You’re going to LOVE IT – I promise. 🙂

    After you watch, help us spread the word by commenting and sharing in the section below the video.

    Thanks in advance and I’ll see you shortly.
    Ty Bollinger

    P.S. It’s time for us all to make a difference! It’s time for us to rise up and educate the world of the Truth!

    Please share what you’ve learned with your friends and family.

    Please tell your doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals so that they can get educated on all of the options too.

  • shafaq007

    john, it's me the "laundry basket gardner", I missed some of your videos, I was away visiting in a different continent. Just wanted to say that this year I have gone all out and bought grow lights and have started plants indoors. But many of my seedlings have died. I am having difficulty keeping them alive. Could you show us how to grow seedlings and info on grow lights. I feel like I have the wrong grow lights. Thanks. Shafaq007

  • Susanne Gunther

    Arizona has strong winds called microburst. sometimes we just don't know when they come. But after watching your videos I love to garden in AZ everything grows cause your right its all based on the soil. Thanks. and keep up with the videos, You should do a flashback of the first video compared to now and top 10 things you have learned.

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