John from goes on a field trip to Marin Soil Solutions to share with you how you can have the most productive, best tasting crops from your garden by building your soil. In this episode you will learn the ways you can easily build your soil by using compost and other organic amendments to feed the food soil web happening in your soil in this very instant. Finally you will discover the #1 nutrient that John feels should be added to every garden to supercharge your plant growth.

John from shows you how he amends his raised bed vegetable garden after every growing season. In this episode you will learn about some organic fertilizers John uses to ensure his plants grow large and are power-packed with nutrition. In addition you will also learn about the food soil web and how beneficial microbes including bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes actually help add to soil fertility.
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Grow the Best Garden by Building the Best Organic Soil

About The Author


  • Lauren Anon

    We have been scammed into believing that we need fertilizers to grow plants. No nutrients are needed to grow any plant. Just wake up your soil with microlife and you're ready.

  • danielle mason

    John look up what phyto plankton is on youtube feed too your plants. One strain nano chloropis fits their human genome perfect. You use water a light humid acid too grow this and you drink it for ultimate health threat videos on YouTube explain everything and I've used myself on plant and there tastes amazing beyond compare. I'm using insect frass humid acid and raw reopened for taste compost homemade worm castings focusing all three enzymes and tastes at once I add essential oils and raw reopened an phyto plankton too compost tea.

  • John Holloway

    I watched your video concerning using Rock Dust to improve soil.
    I was shocked when I went to the two big box stores—Home depot and Lowes—asking for rock dust (online) and all I could find was rock dust used for "paving your driveway"!!??? I even typed in Azomite—and got pretty much the same results!

  • The Abled Gardener

    Thanks for going to all these places and letting us see things we are unable to. Would love to be there myself, but we have you!! thanks again John.

  • InventorDeeJay

    cheap, super-soil mix 
    first mix together 1 bag of garden soil (fine black dirt) with 1 bag of potting soil (brown wood chips), then mix in a pot with styrofoam balls in a 3 to 1 ratio (3 cups of dirt for every 1 cup of styrofoam).  at the same time you are mixing dirt styrofoam, coil a rope inside the pot like a spring (wick).  finally, add a 1 inch top layer of gravel or black aquarium rocks, to prevent algae growth.  if you water with balanced nutrients like flora duo a + b that don't need to be flushed (drop the ph with vinegar), then this soil mix should last over a dozen harvests !     =P 

  • 1mtstewart

    I need help with the interface at the bottom between the air and the bottom of the worm castings. what is the size, source and longevity of this interface?

  • keysareme

    Hey John. I have a worm composter 360 and have three full trays, it's been going since October. I also live in the North Bay and have an organic garden. Thanks for making this video and supporting our local organic gardening community.

  • sadi du

    nice video , If anyone else wants to grow you own tasty organic fruit and veg quick it's worth considering – Banfan Incredible Organic Miracle (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? Ive heard some interesting things about it from my colleague – great! 

  • Theresa Dumas

    I forgot to mention I live in  the Midwest in zone 5 and we just had a late frost and snow season which may have contributed to  tree being seemingly dormant. I am very interested in your opinion.

  • Andrew “Andy” O'Carrigan

    Always spreading the good news John. Love your passion and helpful insights into these wonderful businesses supporting an 'Organics' approach. Keep up the good work. 

  • Robert Fredericks Mensah

    Hi John..Would this be able to sustain the plants throughout the growing period or additional nutrients would be applied before harvesting

  • yes350yes

    Thats fine but the average person cant afford or wont afford to add all those ingrediants. My thoughts are all those ingrediants are not needed anyway, but for those who have extra money to blow , knock yourself out.

  • Bonnie F.

    John, I'm 1 week in on my new garden 15'x15' area. I'm new at it, but absolutely obsessed over my new garden! I hope I get lots of healthy vegetables outta this…I spend about 3-6 hours per day in the garden since I dug the ground up, laid soil, nutrients, planted the seedlings….now I have a mole that is determined to return after I've hand caught him, he popped up outta the dirt while I was watering, imagine my surprise, lol….so I simply grabbed him & relocated him about an acre or two away…obviously not far enough cause the next morning I see his trail again. He hasn't caused much harm, except for popping a few of my plants up along his trail, which I very easily pushed back down & watered. Besides him, I'm really enjoying my garden, but…I have planted "Cucumber Pickles" the smaller half sized cucumbers that grow on a vine, I'd like to know ur opinion on the cheapest & most efficient way to either buy or build my own trof I think it's called, someting my viney vines can grow upwards onto?
    Thank you for the videos, I really enjoy watching u alot!
    Michigan, USA 

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