The best way to prevent insect outbreaks in your vegetable garden is to have a preventative approach and treat plants while insects are in their larval stages. Organic solutions such as neem oil, b.t. and pyrethrins are very effective at controlling insect populations and preventing outbreaks.

Product links:
Neem Oil –
B.t. –
Take Down Garden Spray –
Garden Sprayer –

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Easy Organic Pest Control for Your Vegetable Garden

About The Author


  • Pat Farmer

    Thanks for these videos you make. I'll be subscribing. I have a couple of questions
    1. Can you make a video on how to make a fine tilth seedbed with your wheel hoe?
    2. Would you ever consider making an attachment that can act as a non-inversion tillage implement? Something like a scratch plow or keyline plow or even something like a push plow version of a broadfork. Something to decompact and aerate but not overturn the soil. Just wondering what's possible. Thanks again.

  • Kevin Leader

    I just want to say I am so thankful for the fine folks at Hoss tools. anytime I have a question or two before ordering from their product line I always have knowledgeable staff to help guide me when it comes to picking the right product for my application, Thanks hoss tools and keep up the good work with your products and videos.

  • Arms Family Homestead

    This is just too funny. I just came in the house from spraying neem oil on my kale. This just happened to be the first video that came up!

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